By Team Muscletrail
02 November, 2022
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By Team Muscletrail
02 November, 2022
We understand you will be having numerous guests, traveling, family functions, and frequent festive outings, summing up to total tempting situations. You’ll be exposed to numerous opportunities to have your favorite food and undo healthy eating habits. There is also no denying the fact that most of us will have our tummy back and our shirts stuck by the end of this festive season. Even most disciplined people might find it difficult to stick to their workout routine and diet consumption in this season.
In accordance with the Annual Holiday Survey conducted by I Am Herbalife Nutrition, the average metric of individual gaining weight is approximately 7-8 pounds. As suggested by the research, a majority of the individuals involved in the survey committed that they were intentionally trying to delay their healthy eating habits till New Year. In addition to this, the metric mentioned that this average metric is increasing significantly.
Muscle Trail understands well that it’s a hard time to cope up with physical exercises and healthy eating at this time of the year. However, we have brought you 8 tips that will keep you on track with your fitness goals during the holiday season.
Don’t sit idle for prolonged periods of time, keep moving. Use items at your house to add some weighted resistance to your muscles such as books, water-filled buckets, and other heavy stuff in the house. Adding weight to your daily work will help in keeping your muscles toned. Moreover, staying in bed and resting increases the deposition of fats and loss of muscle mass, so we need to avoid it as much as possible.
There is a slight possibility for our brain to confuse between the requirements of the body like sending signals of being hungry while our body requires water. You need to stay hydrated in order to maintain fluid in your muscles so they don’t get toned off. Make sure to drink more than 6-8 glasses of water. Additionally, when you plan to have a heavy meal that consists of loads of calories, then you must drink water even more.
Most of them are free to watch, and in return, they provide you with the motivation to get up from the sofa and do some workout. Moreover, they let you learn new positions and forms in which you can enhance your exercise movements.
Try sparking that lazy beast sitting inside you and listening to the kind of music that motivates you to stretch a bit and lift a little just to keep the pumps right. Download new workout music, try shuffling playlists, and this will help you in staying slightly dedicated to the fitness part amid the festive season around you.
They should be in your house if you are a fitness enthusiast. Even if you don’t use them daily, you will face their requirements when you feel like working out and get some pump as you feel like your muscles are dying.
You did it for fun a majority of the time of your childhood, grab it for the festive season. Choose the duration of your skipping session, but make sure you are sweating enough to take a bath afterward. Try new skipping methods as it will involve fun in this activity and will contribute to your fitness goal.
Almost all the foods that are consumed on and around the festivals are sweet, and hence, high in calories and fats. When we talk about fat here, we are talking about unhealthy fat, which will add up to your loosened muscles and laziness in your body. Consume shakes mixed with Muscle Trail Whey Protein and get your energy and calorie requirements from protein instead of carbohydrates and fats.
You got to keep it quick because, at this time of the year, your not so fitness fanatic relatives, family members, and friends are going to mock you for being so fitness-oriented that you are deteriorating the fun of this festive season.
Towards the end, I would like to conclude by saying that both, keeping track of your fitness, and enjoying the festive atmosphere around you, are necessary. In order to satisfy both the activities, you need to set up a discipline and a mindset so that you can stick to your diet plans and workouts.
As per the second piece of advice, it is popular among fitness lovers that they set up a misconception in mind that they are losing muscles when they are not working out. Technically, it is not wrong, if you do not exercise for some time after being a regular, you are going to face some drops in the size of your muscles.
This happens because when we work out, our muscles store water, and it’s the percentage of water retention that makes the size of your biceps and other muscles in the body.
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